Knights of the Round is a remarkably faithful port of Capcom's weapons-based arcade brawler. It features a blocking mechanic that grants invincibility, RPG-style experience points that visually alter your character when you level up, items that can be broken up into smaller pieces, and a scoring system that rewards defeating the same type of enemy consecutively. It also has a super-catchy soundtrack that's excellent even by Capcom standards.

Legend says that the man who removes "Excalibur" from the stone is destined to be king.
One night while training to be a knight, Arthur pulled the sword from the stone and so our story begins...

Merlin: Arthur, the legendary Grail can release the world from chaos. As king, you must find it and use it to unify Britain under your rule. Fight as one, brave men and together you shall find it!

Besides slightly scaled-down graphics, almost nothing is missing from the original arcade version.

Strangely, in this game only the heavy character can dash.

Knights of the Round is easily one of my favorite brawlers. It has no less than four huge innovations: blocking gives you invincibility, items can be split up into smaller pieces, you change appearance when leveling up, and killing the same type of enemy in succession gives you a bonus. The graphics are great, but the soundtrack is phenomenal.