Wild Fang (aka Tecmo Knight) is by far the weirdest brawler ever created. It features a tiny man that rides on the shoulders of a giant that can also transform into a tiger and sometimes a dragon. Its combat system is the simplest of any beat 'em up and emphasizes the fundamentals of the genre above all else.
The story begins when Tecmo Knight, the brave ancient warrior, came to do battle with the evil and diabolical beast known as 'Wild Fang.' But before he can meet this challenge, he must defeat Wild Fang's group of evil soldiers.

Wild Fang is the only brawler where you switch between multiple forms on the fly.

Certain releases of this game seem to have minor graphical glitches. When riding Tiger, sometimes Tecmo Knight's sprite gets messed up. The same happens to Pig-Demon's sprite when you're grab-attacking him.

I love Wild Fang so much. Its combat is super simple yet incredibly unique at the same time. Switching forms is awesome and I love punching the heads off of enemies (especially bosses.) It looks great for such an early game and the music is rad. Its unique world design is filled with bizarre, grotesque enemies.