Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team is a crossover brawler from Rare that features your two favorite brawler franchises together for the first time. It plays a lot more like a 'Toads game than Double Dragon, with a strong emphasis on vehicle and platforming sections over combat. However, its difficulty is far more tame. The Game Boy port is remarkably similar to the NES version (including all stages) yet it lacks two player support.

RASH - I'm the crazy one and I'm super cool. My smash hits will leave 'em cold!

ZITZ - I'm the smartest thing on webbed feet. I can think as well as fight!

PIMPLE - I may not be smart, but when brain power fails, brute force prevails!

BILLY LEE - I'm ready to rumble! No-one can match my twisting typhoon kick!

JIMMY LEE - If the going gets rough, I'm your man. I love a good fight!

ABOBO - Abobo good at fight! You little jerks not stand chance against me!

BIG BLAG - I'll be chompin' and stompin' if ya dare step inside the colossus!

ROPER - Ropers the name shootin's my game. Come near me n' I'll blast ya ta bits!

ROBO MANUS - Bzzt! You fleszhy foolsz will beg for mercy when fzzt I'm through with you!

SHADOW BOSS - Come and get me if you dare, Dragons. I'll destroy you and those 'toads!

THE DARK QUEEN - I'll soon rule your precious Earth battlejerks! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

When a battle-cruiser the size of a city smashes out of the moon, you can bet it ain't gonna be makin' no social calls...

Looks like the Dark Queen's bruisin' for a rematch 'toads! She ain't taking any chances this time, not with the Shadow Boss for backup!

Don't get in a flap, prof. We'll make it even, by teaming up with the Dragons!

We're ready to rumble, toads. Pick us up at city hall, we can intercept the Ratship before it reaches Earth!

The Battlecopter swoops low over city hall and the Lee twins climb on board.
With the Ultimate Team assembled, the 'copter heads up into space to make a pre-emptive strike against the dark forces....

This port is nearly identical to the NES version of the game, except that the bike section scrolls a lot slower and it lacks two player support. This version is also easier, mostly due to the Game Boy's limitations.

Both Battletoads and Double Dragon were published by TradeWest in the US, which is why this game exists.

Battletoads & Double Dragon for the Game Boy is surprisingly similar to the NES version. Its combat is shallow yet entertaining, it's got plenty of variety, the graphics are pretty good, and the music's great. This is the easiest version of the game. Unfortunately, it's also the only one that's single player only.