Gaiapolis is an overhead fantasy hack 'n' slash from Konami. It's the only brawler with a vertical screen. Its combat includes blocking, dashing, magic attacks, and controllable pets.

Prince Gerard Himerce - Human,male,warrior. The prince of Avalon.

Elain Shee - Cross between a Fairy and a human,female. Uses clubs as weapon.

Duke Galahad - Dragon man,warrior. Uses a "Galatin"sword.

Gaiapolis is the only brawler with a vertical arcade screen. These are normally reserved for shooters, which necessitate a large vertical range.

There exists a Chinese bootleg NES port of Gaiapolis, although it's missing a ton of features.

Gaiapolis isn't great. Like most Konami brawlers, the combat is too simple and the challenge is on the easy side. Unlike most Konami games, it doesn't have a whole lot of personality. Also, the overhead perspective and vertical screen are interesting but not conducive to the action. This is not one of Konami's best efforts.